Goddesses Of Light And Day

Goddesses of light are usually associated with the sun (see above), but occasionally we find divinities associated with light in general. 

An example of such a goddess is Roman Diana, often described as a moon goddess but originally a goddess of the sky, espe cially when lit by one of the celestial luminaries. 

Other light goddesses appeared as midwives (Roman Lucina, Babylonian Bau), for they represented the first light that a newborn sees. 

Even more generally, the Australian light goddess Yhi represented the moment of creation, at which all creatures came forth into light. 

Some light goddesses are connected with a specific time of day. 

Slavic Poldunica was bright noontime, while Greek Eos and Hindu Usas both represented dawn. 

Other dawn goddesses include Eastern Mediterranean Aja (see Ishtar), Chinese Zhunti (see Ma-tsu), Buddhist Marıcı (see India), Polynesian Atanua and Hina, Hungarian Xoli-Kalte (see Finno-Ugric, Xatel-Ekwa), and Roman Mater Matuta. 

At the other end of day, Greek Hesperides and Slavic Zorya represented the fading light of eve ning, often embodied in the first stars seen in the darkening sky (see Stars, above). 

The temperaments and symbols of these goddesses vary according to the kind of light they represent, with dawn goddesses appearing often as lusty maidens, full of energy, while deities of evening are more sedate but nonetheless seductive (see also Fire, below). 

~ Kiran Atma

You can learn more about Goddess Symbolism here.