Goddess Ardwinna

Ardwinna is a Celtic woodland deity. Ardwinna, a forest deity of the hunt, is linked to the Roman goddess Diana

  • She provides mankind with animal flesh and teaches respect for the woods and the life that exists inside them. 
  • Any animal slain within her realm must pay a tribute. 
  • Ardwinna is often portrayed riding a wild boar through the woods.

Goddess Arianrhod

Arianrhod is the Welsh goddess of the moon. Blodeuwedd and Cerridwen form the triad with Arianrhod, who is the Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess. 

  • The Silver Wheel That Descends into the Sea is her name, which means "silver disc." 
  • Arianrhod, a shapeshifting owl that controls the moon, stars, and sea, is well-known across Celtic lands. 

  • She is a goddess of prophesy and dreams who grants petitioners a peek into the future and past if they come to her with an open heart and mind. 

  • Arianrhod receives the deceased and leads them to the next stage of life as the ruler of reincarnation, karma, and the magical realms. 

The Wheel of the Year represents her position as timekeeper, and she is a primary embodiment of authority and feminine strength. Arianrod, along with Blodeuwedd, Branwen, Cerridwen, and Rhiannon, is one of Avalon's five goddesses.

~Kiran Atma

Goddess Armathr

Armathr is the Icelandic goddess of prosperity. 

  • Armathr is a holy stone that was adored by Icelandic peoples and is shown as the Goddess Incarnate. 
  • She is the patroness of wealth, money, and commerce.

Goddess Arinna

Arinna is a Turkish sun goddess. 

  • Arinna is the Hittite empire's most important deity. 

  • She is seen as a kind, benign goddess who protects people from natural catastrophes, conflict, and sickness. 

  • She is the weather god's consort, and she is in charge of the sun's strength and the joy it gives.

Goddess Ararat


Ararat is the Turkish goddess of creation. 

  • Ararat is represented as the renowned Mount Ararat, the country of mountains where the gods dwell, and is known across Turkey and Armenia. 
  • She is an earth goddess who creates life from her bones and keeps it alive for all eternity. 

  • She is associated with dirt and vegetation, and her name signifies "a bit of creation."

Goddess Arachne

Arachne is the goddess of weaving in Greek mythology. Arachne is portrayed as a young lady who angered the goddess Athena by telling the truth. 

  • She was regarded a priestess at times and a deity at others. 
  • Arachne, a skilled weaver, trained under Athena and is challenged by her to create a tapestry. 
  • Arachne stitches a scenario depicting the gods of Olympus in a negative light.
  • Athena is enraged and transforms her into a spider. 

  • The goddess Arachne is the goddess of time and truth. 

  • She instills in her followers the ability to tell the truth and weave honesty into their life from a position of love and compassion rather than pride and ego.

Goddess Aphrodite

Aphrodite is the goddess of love and battle in Greek mythology. 

  • Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty, love, and pleasure, and she is the daughter of the sea. 
  • She is the goddess of clandestine affairs as well as marriages and the love that exists inside them. 

  • Aphrodite has long been linked with war and conflicts, and is said to have descended from the Mesopotamian deities Astarte and Ishtar

  • She is renowned for her fast and often unethical answers to requests, and she preaches devotion and self-love. 

The ocean, doves, apples, flowers, and the mirror are her emblems.

Goddess Apate

Apate is the goddess of deception in Greek mythology. 

  • Apate, the first spirit to emerge from Pandora's jar, is the spirit of deceit, trickery, and fraud. 

  • She is Nyx's daughter and Nemesis's sister.

Goddess Apakura

Apakura is a Polynesian family goddess. 

  • She is a Maori mother goddess who has many children and devotes herself to educating her sons the way to greatness, knowledge, and triumph. 
  • Apakura is a serious goddess who personifies home and family, as well as the power and support that comes from personal relationships. 
  • Apakura's evil side is the Vengeful Mother, who demands that her children revenge their brother's unjust murder.

Goddess Anuket

Anuket is the Egyptian goddess of excess. Anuket, the embodiment of the Nile River's yearly flooding, is revered as an agricultural goddess. 

  • She feeds the field and the crops, giving Egypt life, food, and wealth. 
  • The cowrie shell, water jugs, the yoni, money, and fish are her emblems, and her name signifies embracer. 

  • As patroness of the impoverished, she bestows riches and fertility on those who are in need. 
  • Anuket is usually portrayed as a gazelle or a full-breasted lady with a reed and ostrich feather headpiece.

Goddess Ananke


Ananke is the goddess of attachments in Greek mythology. 

  • Ananke and her consort Chronos appeared at the beginning of time, their ethereal forms entwined and wrapped around the universe's primordial egg. 
  • Ananke and Chronos remained entwined as the Cosmos, symbolizing time and the driving power of the cosmos, after they divided the egg into the distinct portions of heaven, earth, and sea. 
  • Ananke took on the role of necessity, reigning over coercion, all kinds of servitude, and connections, including friendship and love. 
  • Prisoners and slaves seeking liberation often invoked her name.

Goddess Anapel


Anapel is a Siberian birth goddess. Anapel, often known as "Little Grandmother," is the ruler of fresh beginnings and origins. 

  • She selects the body and life path each soul will reincarnate into in her position as fate and destiny. 
  • Anapel is a Siberian god who is worshipped by the Koryak people and is honored upon the birth of a child.

Goddess Anahit


Anahit is an Armenian fertility goddess. In Armenia, Anahit was a major god who ruled over fertility and birth.

  • She was formerly thought to be a battle goddess, but now she is the guardian of the country and its people, and most of her representations are made of gold. 
  • Doves and flowers were often given to her holy representations, since she is also a goddess of beauty and water. 
  • Anahit was the goddess of the Holy Feminine in ancient Persia, presiding over dancing, music, semen, and sacred prostitution. 

Goddess Anath


Canaanite goddess of love and battle, Anath. Anath was venerated across Mesopotamia as the Virgin, Mother, Warrior, and Wanton. 

  • "To respond," "strength of life," or "active will" are some of the meanings of her name. 
  • The deity Ba'al, or Bel, is her brother and consort. 
  • Her devotees beg her for war and reproductive issues since she has a voracious hunger for sex and blood. 

  • Women henna their hands, braid their hair, and dress up in the best adornments to pay homage to her during spring and harvest celebrations. 
  • Many of her stories and characteristics have been mixed together with those of Asherah and Astarte, and some academics believe Anath and Astarte were combined to create Atargatis
  • Anath is typically portrayed naked atop a lion, holding flowers in her hands, or as a young girl dressed in war attire.

Goddess Andraste


Andraste is a Celtic battle goddess. Andraste, the goddess of triumph and war, was invoked before conflicts to foresee and, if necessary, change the result. 

  • Her name means "She Who Has Not Fallen," and she was known as the Invincible One. 

  • Andraste is a moon goddess who rules over love and fertility in her luminous form. 

  • Hares and ravens are her holy creatures.